God Only Gives Us What We Can Handle

Well, I made it about 4 hours into work before the pain was so bad that I was doubled over crying. Spent 6 hours in the Emergency Room. We’re pretty sure it is kidney stones considering the pain is similar to when I’ve had them in the past. My body is not handling the stress of having to buy 4 new tires, a new water heater and not knowing when we’ll have the flood clean up done or hot water for daily life. agghhh. Gotta love being an adult on days like these.

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40 Blogs of Lent, 27 down, 13 to go

When it Rains it Pours

I had to buy 4 new tires yesterday, last night John woke me up to tell me that the hot water heater broke and leaked on the carpet and through the wall into the garage.

Now I have to buy a new water heater and have flood clean up to do. Freaking out a little. Time to go to work. Can’t do anything yet.

40 Blogs of Lent, 26 down, 14 to go