To Be Continued…

Lenten Wednesdays are awesome. Very insightful, very Biblical, very social AND we get to eat a meal with friends. Thank you Lord for the Wednesdays of Lent (and Advent too).

Since I last blogged some major things have changed. One thing that changed is that I now have a name for my art studio. Swan’s Spiritual Studio is a place I love to be!  I have been holding fairly regular group sessions in the S.S.S. in addition to the time my daughter and I spend down there. I also have found some items that I like to mass produce that I plan on selling at our church craft show. So exciting! More about all that later.

I want to get in the habit of blogging and writing more often and this was my kick start. Nothing fancy and it’s actually very choppy and scattered – but I’m in a hurry – that’s my excuse – AND I’m trying to find my sea legs again because, like I said, a lot has happened (to me and within me) since I last blogged.

To Be Continued…